Recent Storm Damage Posts

Storm Water Removal: Your #1 Guide to Efficient Restoration

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

Storm water damage in the streets of Barrow County. The professionals at SERVPRO are equipped to help protect your property after storm damage occurs.

Expert insights and practical steps to safeguard your property from water-related damage.

Storms can bring heavy rainfall and flooding, presenting unique challenges for property owners. Stormwater removal is crucial in preventing significant harm to residential and commercial properties. This blog post will explore the common causes of stormwater damage, offer practical prevention tips, and showcase how SERVPRO® expertise can be invaluable in restoring properties affected by stormwater intrusion.

What are the common causes of stormwater damage?

Stormwater damage originates from various weather-related conditions. The primary factors include:

  • Heavy Rainfall: Intense and prolonged rainfall can overwhelm drainage systems, leading to water accumulation and flooding.
  • Flash Floods: Sudden and severe storms can cause rapid flooding, affecting properties in low-lying areas.
  • Clogged Gutters and Drains: Debris in gutters and storm drains can prevent proper water flow, leading to backups and overflows.
  • Poorly Designed Drainage Systems: Inadequate drainage systems can fail to handle large volumes of water, causing seepage and flooding.
  • Roof Leaks: Damaged or poorly maintained roofs can allow water to penetrate the building, causing interior water damage.

How can stormwater damage lead to property damage?

The impact of stormwater damage on a property can be extensive and swift. When water accumulates, it can infiltrate and damage various parts of a building, leading to:

  • Structural Damage: Water can weaken the foundation, walls, and floors, compromising the structural integrity of the building.
  • Damage to Interior Furnishings: Floodwater can ruin carpets, furniture, electronics, and personal belongings.
  • Electrical Hazards: Water can cause short circuits and other electrical issues, posing safety risks.
  • Mold Growth: Persistent moisture creates an ideal environment for mold growth, leading to further damage and potential health concerns.

Tips to prevent stormwater damage

Preventing stormwater damage is achievable with proper measures. Here's a list of practical steps to safeguard your property:

Maintain Gutters and Downspouts

Clean and inspect your gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure they are debris-free. Proper maintenance allows water to flow away from your property, reducing the risk of backups and flooding.

Inspect and Repair Roofs

Inspect your roof for any signs of damage or wear. Repair any missing shingles, leaks, or cracks promptly to prevent water from entering your property.

Install a Sump Pump

Install a sump pump in your basement or crawl space to help remove accumulated water. Ensure it functions correctly and consider a battery backup in case of power outages.

Improve Yard Drainage

Ensure that your yard is graded to direct water away from your home. Consider installing French drains or swales to manage and redirect water flow.

Seal Cracks and Openings

Seal any cracks or openings in your foundation, walls, and windows to prevent water from entering your property. For best results, use waterproof sealants.

Install Flood Barriers

Install flood barriers or sandbags around your property to protect against incoming water. This is especially important for properties in flood-prone areas.

Maintain Proper Landscaping

Ensure trees and shrubs are trimmed and maintained to prevent debris from clogging gutters and drains. Avoid planting vegetation too close to the foundation.

Use Smart Technology

Consider installing smart home devices such as water leak detectors and smart sump pumps to detect and better control potential water issues early.

Conduct Regular Inspections

Have a professional inspect your property regularly, focusing on areas prone to water intrusion. Address any issues promptly to prevent extensive damage.

A recent stormwater removal scenario in Winder, Georgia

Last month, SERVPRO was called to Winder, Georgia, to handle a significant storm-related water damage situation. A commercial property experienced extensive water damage when a severe storm brought heavy rainfall, overwhelming the local drainage system and flooding the building. This situation highlights the importance of prompt and professional intervention in managing stormwater removal.

Upon receiving the distress call, our SERVPRO team quickly mobilized to assess the situation. The action plan included:

  1. Immediate Water Extraction: We quickly addressed the standing water throughout the property using our advanced water extraction technology. This step was crucial in halting the spread of water and minimizing secondary damage.
  2. Thorough Drying and Dehumidification: Our focus shifted to comprehensive drying and dehumidification post-extraction. We deployed cutting-edge drying equipment and dehumidifiers, eradicating even the most concealed moisture. This phase is critical in mitigating the risk of mold and mildew, which can pose hazards and further damage the property.
  3. Detailed Damage Assessment: We conducted a thorough inspection to identify all areas affected by the water damage, including hidden moisture behind walls and under floors.
  4. Restoration and Repair: We performed necessary repairs to restore the structural integrity of the building, including replacing damaged drywall, flooring, and insulation.
  5. Preventive Measures: To prevent future occurrences, we recommended that the property owner improve drainage systems and maintain gutters and downspouts.

This incident in Winder, Georgia, exemplifies the resilience and efficiency of our SERVPRO team. Faced with a potentially devastating stormwater damage scenario, our swift action and professional expertise salvaged the property and safeguarded it against future vulnerabilities. This case is a testament to our commitment to providing rapid, reliable, comprehensive water damage restoration services.

Wrapping up

SERVPRO's reputation in water damage restoration is built on swift response, advanced technology, and skilled professionals. We understand the nuances of water damage restoration, particularly in challenging storm conditions. Our team is trained to handle complex scenarios, ensuring efficient and effective restoration. With SERVPRO, property owners receive comprehensive restoration services tailored to their specific needs.

Choosing SERVPRO for storm water removal and restoration offers more than just repair services; it provides partnership in property protection. Our quick response, cutting-edge techniques, and customer-centric approach make us a trusted ally in navigating the challenges of stormwater damage. As we have seen, stormwater damage can strike unexpectedly. Still, with preparation and the support of SERVPRO professionals, your property can emerge unscathed from the most challenging water damage incidents.

By following these tips and relying on professional expertise, you can effectively manage and prevent stormwater damage, ensuring your property remains safe and secure. Whether dealing with minor flooding or extensive water damage, SERVPRO is ready to help with comprehensive water damage restoration and prevention services.

Emergency Flash Flood Cleanup: 5 Simple Reasons to Call Pros

1/29/2024 (Permalink)

Flash flood damage inside a Barrow County home. The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat flash flood damage!

Turn to SERVPRO® when you need help with flash flood cleanup

Welcome to SERVPRO's reservoir of property wisdom, where we delve into the intricacies of restoration. In this comprehensive guide, we confront a formidable adversary that can wreak havoc on your property in the blink of an eye—flash floods. Join us as we explore the seven compelling reasons why turning to the expertise of SERVPRO's professionals is imperative when your property faces the aftermath of a devastating flash flood. Traverse through a real-life scenario in Barrow County, Georgia, where our SERVPRO team answered the call for help, rescuing a property submerged in the chaos of flash flood damage. Witness the meticulous restoration that ensued and understand why SERVPRO is the unwavering choice for flash flood cleanup.

What are the significant dangers of flash flooding?

Flash floods are a sudden and formidable force of nature, capable of causing significant dangers. From swift-moving waters to hidden debris and contaminants, understanding the risks is crucial. In Barrow County, Georgia, a property was inundated by flash floodwaters, exposing its occupants to perilous conditions that demanded immediate action.

What type of cleanup should people expect after a flood?

Flash flood cleanup is a complex and multifaceted process beyond removing visible water. In Barrow County, the property owner faced the daunting task of dealing with the aftermath. They sought professional restoration assistance, knowing that thorough cleanup involved more than mopping water.

Safety first

The safety of all involved parties is paramount during flash flood cleanup. Floodwaters often carry various contaminants and pose health risks. Professionals like SERVPRO prioritize safety by utilizing protective gear and adhering to safety protocols to ensure a secure cleanup process.

Swift response to minimize damage

One of the primary benefits of choosing SERVPRO for flash flood cleanup is our rapid response. Our team arrived promptly in the Barrow County scenario to assess the situation. This quick action prevented further damage, mitigating potential long-term issues.

Efficient water extraction

Effective water extraction is crucial to prevent structural damage and mold growth. SERVPRO professionals use state-of-the-art equipment to remove floodwater quickly and thoroughly, leaving no room for hidden moisture that could wreak havoc later.

Thorough cleaning and disinfection

Flash floodwaters can leave behind dirt, debris, and contaminants. Professional cleanup crews are equipped to perform comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, ensuring a safe and sanitary environment once the process is complete.

Mold prevention and restoration

Flash floods create ideal conditions for mold growth. SERVPRO's experts understand the importance of quick and effective drying to prevent mold infestations. Beyond cleanup, they also provide restoration services, ensuring your property is returned to its pre-flood condition.

Scenario in Barrow County, Georgia:

In the heart of Barrow County, Georgia, a property owner found themselves in the grip of a flash flood disaster. Swift-moving waters surged through their property, causing extensive damage and endangering the occupants. The property owner recognized the situation's urgency and turned to SERVPRO for assistance.

Our team, well-versed in swift response to flash flood emergencies, arrived promptly. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of the damage, ensuring safety protocols were in place to protect our team and the property's occupants. With meticulous attention to detail, we undertook the cleanup process, which involved removing the floodwater and addressing the contaminants and debris left in its wake.

Efficient water extraction and drying were essential to prevent structural damage and mold growth. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensured that all affected areas were thoroughly dried, reducing the risk of future problems.

Beyond cleanup, we embraced the challenge of comprehensive restoration. Our experts handled repairs and reconstruction, returning the property to its pre-flood condition. The property owner was relieved to see their property transformed from a flood-ravaged space into a safe and habitable haven.

Call SERVPRO today!

When faced with the aftermath of a flash flood, calling SERVPRO for cleanup and restoration is not just a choice—it's a necessity. Our rapid response, commitment to safety, and thorough cleanup and disinfection ensure a safe and efficient recovery process. We go beyond cleanup, offering restoration services to return your property to its pre-flood condition.

Don't let the chaos of flash flood damage overwhelm you. Trust SERVPRO to handle the challenges while you focus on rebuilding your life. Our track record speaks for itself – when it comes to flash flood cleanup and restoration, SERVPRO stands as the epitome of efficiency and expertise, ready to restore your property and peace of mind.

Exterior Storm Damage: Don’t Ignore These 7 Simple Signs

8/28/2023 (Permalink)

Exterior storm damage to a home in Barrow County GA. SERVPRO helps restore what's been shaken!

Exterior storm damage must be quickly mitigated to avoid further problems. 

When Mother Nature unleashes her fury in the form of a powerful storm, the aftermath can leave your property battered and bruised. The destructive impact of exterior storm damage is often undeniable, but recognizing the subtle signs early on can make all the difference in preventing further deterioration and hefty repair bills. 

As experts in storm restoration, SERVPRO® stands as a steadfast guardian for property owners in times of crisis. This blog post will delve into the common signs of exterior storm damage, recount a recent scenario in Barrow County where our skilled team swooped in to save the day, and highlight why SERVPRO is the top choice for expert storm restoration services.

What are common signs of exterior storm damage?

When the storm clouds disperse and the skies clear, your property might still bear the scars of the battle it just faced. Seven common signs of exterior storm damage include: 

  1. Missing or damaged roof shingles
  2. Broken windows
  3. Dented gutters 
  4. Fallen tree branches
  5. Cracks in the siding
  6. Water stains on walls and ceilings
  7. Displaced outdoor items

What are the leading causes of exterior storm damage?

Understanding the forces that wreak havoc on your property is crucial for prevention. Heavy winds, hail, torrential rain, and lightning strikes are potent contributors to exterior storm damage. Wind can lift and tear off roofing materials, while hail pelts the surfaces, causing dents and cracks. Uncontrolled water intrusion leads to weakened foundations and compromised structures. Lightning, with its electric charge, can set off fires or directly damage buildings.

Tips for preventing exterior storm damage

While we can't control the weather, we can take steps to minimize the impact of its tantrums:

  1. Regular property inspections: schedule routine inspections to identify vulnerabilities before a storm hits.
  2. Trim overhanging branches: cut down branches that could fall and cause damage during a storm.
  3. Reinforce windows: install storm shutters or impact-resistant glass to protect windows from high winds and debris.
  4. Check roof condition: ensure your roof is in optimal condition, fixing any issues like loose shingles or weak spots.
  5. Clear gutters: regularly remove debris from gutters to maintain proper water flow and prevent water damage.

Following these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of exterior storm damage to your property.

A recent scenario: A heroic intervention in Barrow County

Earlier this year, Barrow County found itself in the crosshairs of an unforgiving storm that left a trail of exterior damage in its wake. Homeowners watched in dismay as powerful winds stripped away sections of roofs, leaving vulnerable interiors exposed to the elements. Trees were uprooted and hurled against walls, causing structural cracks and shattered windows.

The community desperately needed a savior, and that's when SERVPRO answered the call.

Our skilled team swiftly arrived at the scene, armed with the expertise to assess and address the widespread exterior storm damage. We began by securing compromised areas to prevent further water intrusion. Tarps were strategically placed to shield interiors from rain, and broken windows were boarded up to maintain security. Our technicians meticulously inspected roofs, siding, and gutters to compile a comprehensive restoration plan.

With unwavering determination, the SERVPRO crew worked tirelessly to restore the community's homes to their former glory. We replaced roofing materials, fitted new windows, and cleared debris to make way for rejuvenation. The heart of Barrow County began to beat again as our team, dedicated to storm restoration, breathed life back into the damaged properties.

Why SERVPRO is your ultimate storm restoration partner

In the aftermath of a storm, choosing the right restoration partner is paramount. Here's why SERVPRO stands head and shoulders above the rest:

  1. Swift response: storm damage doesn't wait, and neither do we. Our 24/7 emergency services ensure we're on the scene quickly, mitigating further damage.
  2. Experience counts: with years of experience under our belt, our technicians are equipped with the knowledge to assess, plan, and execute restoration projects precisely.
  3. Cutting-edge equipment: we harness the power of advanced equipment and techniques to ensure a thorough restoration process, leaving no corner untouched.
  4. Comprehensive solutions: from tarping and board-up services to structural repairs and water extraction, we offer end-to-end solutions encompassing every aspect of storm damage restoration.
  5. Insurance assistance: dealing with insurance claims can be daunting. Our team works closely with insurance providers to ease the process, ensuring you receive the coverage you deserve.
  6. Community dedication: we're not just restoring properties—we're rebuilding communities. Our commitment to bringing life back to storm-ravaged neighborhoods is unmatched.

Wrapping up 

Exterior storm damage can strike swiftly and mercilessly, but with vigilance and the proper restoration partner, you can emerge from the storm more robust than ever. SERVPRO's unwavering dedication to promptness, expertise, and community upliftment makes us the ultimate choice for storm restoration services. When the clouds gather and the winds howl, remember that SERVPRO is your shield against the storm's fury, ready to restore and rebuild.

Spring Storm Damage: 5 Effective Tips to Protect Your Home

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

spring storm damage to a barrow county propert The professionals at SERVPRO are here to help when your property suffers from spring storm damage!

Let the professionals at SERVPRO help you avoid spring storm damage.

Spring storms can cause significant damage to homes in Barrow County in a short time. From hail, heavy winds, lightning strikes, and flooding, spring storms can be costly for homeowners if they don't take the proper precautions before and after a storm hits.

This article will discuss the types of spring storm damage that can occur and provide tips on assessing the damage, including what steps you should take after your home has been damaged. With these five excellent tips, you'll be better prepared than ever before when spring storms hit your area.

Spring storm damage in Barrow County

The spring season in Barrow County can bring a variety of storms that can cause significant damage to homes. Heavy winds, hail, lightning strikes, and flooding are the most common spring storm-related issues that homeowners in the area face.

The last known tornado in Barrow County to cause fatality was in 1998. Tornado winds can gust anywhere from 60 to 70 mph, enough to cause severe structural damage to buildings and infrastructure. Hail storms can cause damage to the roof, siding, windows, and other exterior features of a home. Lightning strikes can take out power lines, short-circuit electrical devices in the house, or even start fires. Flooding from spring rainstorms can also cause significant damage to your home if you are unprepared.

Assessing spring storm damage

If you have been the victim of spring storm damage, assessing the situation as soon as possible is essential. It is highly recommended that you contact a professional storm damage company that can properly evaluate your home and note any potential risks associated with spring storm damage. Experts in this field will be able to help create a plan of action to repair any damage and prevent further issues in the future.

5 tips to protect your home from spring storm damage

Spring storms can cause significant damage to homes in Barrow County. Here are five excellent tips that can help you protect your home from spring storm damage:

  1. Have a professional evaluate any spring storm damage immediately after it occurs. With professional help, you will receive a developed plan for repairs and the prevention of further damage.
  2. Secure your home with hurricane straps, bolts, or clips to prevent high winds from causing structural damage.
  3. Ensure your gutters are properly maintained and debris-free to prevent flooding around your home's foundation.
  4. Regularly maintain your roof to protect it from spring storms.
  5. Have emergency supplies such as flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit in case spring storms knock out power or cause other damage.

With these spring storm safety tips, you and your home will be protected all spring.

How SERVPRO is available to help with spring storm damage repairs and prevention

SERVPRO is an industry-leading storm damage restoration team serving Barrow County. Our team of experienced technicians is trained to assess spring storm damage and quickly repair any damages that may have occurred. In addition, our disaster recovery specialists can advise homeowners on preparing for spring storms and practical ways to reduce the risk of spring storm damage. SERVPRO also offers services to help repair spring-caused flooding, other water damage, and fire damage.

Regarding spring storms, homeowners in Barrow County need to be prepared for the worst. However, with proper preventative measures and an experienced professional, spring storm damage doesn't have to throw a wrench in your life.

Wrapping up

With spring storms on the horizon, protecting your home from potential storm damage is your best action. SERVPRO is available to help with storm damage repairs and prevention whenever the threat of spring storm damage looms. In addition, protecting your home from spring storms provides peace of mind that your family and belongings will be safe this spring.

We are available 24/7 for spring storm damage repairs and prevention. Contact us today to learn how we can help protect your home this spring season.

Damaged Gutters: 3 Simple Signs You Need Expert Repairs

10/24/2022 (Permalink)

Damaged gutters on a Barrow County property The professionals at SERVPRO are here to help you combat gutter damage!

Damaged gutters can lead to severe problems in your home.

It’s no secret that a well-functioning gutter system is vital for any home. A quality gutter system helps direct water away from your home’s foundation and keep the roof in good condition during a storm. But do you know how to tell if your gutters are damaged?

The professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County have seen gutters cause some severe problems for homeowners. Here are three signs your gutters are damaged and require repair:

  1. Overflowing Water
  2. Roofing damage
  3. Foundation issues

Keep reading to learn more about each of these gutter damage indicators and what you can do to fix them!

The consequences of not repairing damaged gutters

Before we get into the three signs of gutter damage, we must understand the consequences of not repairing them when they’re not in good working order. 

Damaged gutters can cause:

  • Water damage to your home’s siding, trim, and other exterior features
  • Leaks in your home’s foundation
  • Damage to your home’s landscaping
  • Flooding in your basement or crawlspace
  • Pest infestations

Repairing any of these problems can be more costly than fixing the gutters themselves. That’s why it’s essential to be on the lookout for signs of gutter damage and to have them repaired as soon as possible.

The three signs of damaged gutters

There are many signs of gutter damage, but in our experience, some are more common than others. Here are three signs that you have damaged gutters that require repair:

  1. Overflowing water

If you notice water overflowing from your gutters, it’s a sign that they’re blocked or damaged. Clogged gutters can’t do their job of directing water away from your home if there’s an obstruction, which can lead to severe problems like flooding and leaks.

  1. Roofing damage

If you notice that your roof is leaking or that shingles near the edges are falling off, it could be a sign that your gutters are damaged. When gutters are damaged, they can’t correctly direct water away from your roof, leading to leaks and roof damage.

  1. Foundation issues

If you notice cracks in your foundation, it could be a sign that your gutters are damaged. Damaged gutters can’t correctly direct water away from your home’s walls, leading to foundation cracks.

Preventing gutter damage

There are a few things you can do to prevent gutter damage. First, make sure to keep your gutters clean and free of debris. You can do this yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. We recommend twice a year at a minimum.

Second, inspect your gutters regularly for signs of damage. If you notice any damage, have it repaired as soon as possible.

Finally, make sure to have your gutters serviced by a professional at least once a year. A professional inspection will help ensure they’re in good condition and can adequately do their job.

If you think your home’s gutters are damaged, don’t wait to have them repaired. Damaged gutters can lead to severe water damage problems, so fixing them as soon as possible is essential.

Recover from storm damage with SERVPRO of Barrow County

Taking swift action is essential when it comes to storm damage and damaged gutters. The sooner you start the storm damage restoration process, the less damage your home will sustain. Whenever you need us, the professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County can help you with all your storm damage needs. Our storm restoration process includes the following:

  • Inspection: We’ll inspect your home for storm damage and assess the extent of the damage.
  • Estimation: We’ll prepare an insurance estimate so that you can get your home repaired.
  • Water removal: We’ll remove all the water from your home using powerful extraction equipment.
  • Drying and dehumidification: We’ll use specialized equipment to dry your home and remove any remaining moisture.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing: We’ll clean and sanitize your home to remove bacteria or mold.
  • Repair and restoration: We’ll repair any damage caused by the water and restore your home to its original condition.

SERVPRO of Barrow County is a locally owned and operated storm restoration company with years of experience in the industry. Contact us today for an inspection! We’re available 24/7 to help you with all your storm damage needs.

Wind Damage: The 5 Effective Recovery Steps

8/29/2022 (Permalink)

Wind damage to a commercial building in Barrow County SERVPRO is available 24/7 to help you recover from wind damage!

The experts at SERVPRO of Barrow County can help you with wind damage!

Your property is designed to help protect you and your most prized possessions from the elements. Unfortunately, the wind is one of the elements known to cause the most property damage; wind damage can leave your home or business in disarray, from fallen tree damage to missing shingles.

The following blog post is for anyone who has recently experienced wind damage and is looking for the most effective recovery methods. We put together the five steps our experts recommend to help customers recover from wind damage because we understand that property damage can be challenging to navigate. 

Before we get started, please do not hesitate to contact the storm damage restoration team at SERVPRO of Barrow county if you are currently experiencing wind damage and need emergency assistance!

What is wind damage?

Wind damage is any destruction caused by wind, including damage to your property, possessions, and even yourself. The dangers associated with wind damage are often severe and need to be taken seriously.

Some of the most common dangers associated with wind damage include:

  • power outages
  • downed trees
  • flying debris
  • structural damage 

Five wind damage recovery steps

Now that you are aware of the dangers associated with wind damage, it's time to learn about the steps you can take to recover. The following are the five steps our experts recommend to help customers recover from wind damage:

1) Prioritize safety: Before starting the wind damage recovery process, it's essential to ensure the area is safe. You want to check for downed power lines, broken glass, and other hazards. If the area is unsafe, do not enter it and wait for help to arrive.

2) Contact your insurance company: One of the first things you should do after experiencing wind damage is to contact your insurance company. They will be able to help you get the claims process started.

3) Document the damage: Once you have determined it is safe to enter the area, it's time to start documenting the damage. Standard documentation includes taking photos or videos of the damage and making a list of all the damaged items. The documentation will be necessary when filing an insurance claim.

4) Contact storm damage professionals: Wind damage can be extensive and challenging to repair on your own. For this reason, it's often best to contact a professional storm damage restoration company that knows how to perform wind damage repairs. The right storm damage team will have the experience and expertise necessary to restore your property quickly and efficiently.

5) Begin the cleanup process: The final step is to begin the cleanup process. The restoration contractors that you contacted in step four will be able to help you with this. They will have the necessary equipment and knowledge to restore your property to its pre-wind damage condition.

At what speed does wind cause damage? 

Wind speed is one of the most critical factors regarding wind damage. The higher the wind speed, the more damage it will likely cause. Wind speeds of over 60 mph have been known to cause significant property damage. It's essential to be aware of the wind speeds in your area and take steps to protect your property if wind speeds are expected to exceed 60 mph. Some tips for protecting your property from wind damage include:

  • Securing outdoor furniture 
  • Closing windows and doors
  • Putting up storm shutters
  • Having a generator on hand in case of a power outage

SERVPRO of Barrow County: Wind damage restoration professionals

We hope you enjoyed learnings the five steps in recovering from wind damage. We are a professional storm damage restoration company dedicated to helping customers in the Barrow County area recover from wind damage. 

When wind damage strikes, you can count on SERVPRO to: 

  • Replace the shingles if your roof
  • Replace the windows
  • Investigate any other problems

If you are currently dealing with wind damage, please do not hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Barrow County. We are available 24/7 and will respond quickly to help you with wind damage repairs. We understand how difficult it can be to deal with wind damage, and we will do everything we can to help you through this challenging time. Visit our website or give us a call today to learn more about our storm damage restoration services.

Summer Storm Damage: 5 Tips to Help Protect Your Property

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Summer storm damage restoration services performed by SERVPRO The professionals at SERVPRO are always available for summer storm damage repair services!

Recover quickly from summer storm damage with help from the professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County!

There are many things in life we can’t control, and the weather is one of them. Unfortunately, summer storm damage can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Despite our best efforts to prepare, summer storms can cause a lot of damage - both physical and emotional.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County are summer storm damage experts and are here to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have seen it all when it comes to storm damage and have put together the following five tips to help you protect your property from summer storm damage:

  1. Keep outdoor furniture secure
  2. Remove dead or dying trees and limbs.
  3. Repair any loose or damaged roof shingles, tiles, or gutter guards.
  4. Install gutters and downspouts and make sure they are clear of debris.
  5. Check your insurance policy to ensure you have the appropriate coverage for summer storm damage.

The following blog post will cover these summer storm damage tips in more detail to help you better prepare for summer storms.

What is summer storm damage?

Summer storm damage is any damage caused by summer storms, such as thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes. The following are some of the most common types of summer storm damage:

  • Wind damage: This type of damage is one of the most common types of summer storm damage. Fallen trees, limbs, and power lines can cause severe property damage. Roofs can be damaged or torn off, and windows can break.
  • Flooding: Heavy rains can cause flash flooding, damaging homes, businesses, and vehicles. Flood waters can also lead to mold growth.
  • Lightning: Lightning strikes are one of the leading causes of summer storm damage. They can start fires causing property damage.
  • Hail: Hail can damage roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles.

The five tips to prepare your property for summer storms

Now that you know what summer storm damage is, let’s take a look at the five tips to help protect property from summer storm damage:

Tip 1. Keep outdoor furniture secure: Outdoor furniture can become flying projectiles during summer storms. To prevent this, securely anchor all outdoor furniture, including umbrellas, grills, and patio furniture.

Tip 2. Remove dead or dying trees and limbs: Dead or dying trees and limbs can fall and cause damage to your property or injure someone. To prevent this from happening, remove any dead or dying trees and limbs before summer storms hit.

Tip 3. Repair any loose or damaged roof shingles, tiles, or gutter guards: Loose or damaged roof shingles, tiles, and gutter guards can be blown off during summer storms. To prevent this from happening, be sure to repair any loose or damaged roof shingles, tiles, and gutter guards before summer storms hit.

Tip 4. Install gutters and downspouts and make sure they are clear of debris: Gutters and downspouts help to redirect rainwater away from your property. These two exterior additions can prevent summer storm damage such as flooding and water damage. 

Tip 5. Check your insurance policy to ensure you have the appropriate coverage for summer storm damage: Summer storms can cause severe damage to your property. To ensure you are adequately protected, check with your insurance adjuster to ensure you have the coverage needed for summer storm damage.

Taking the proper precautions before summer storms can help minimize summer storm damage. 

What to do if you experience summer storm damage

If you experience summer storm damage, there are a few things you can do to help minimize the damage and protect your property:

  1. Contact your insurance company: If you have summer storm damage, you should first contact your insurance company. They will be able to help you file a claim and get the repairs started.
  2. Document the damage: Be sure to take pictures or videos of the summer storm damage. Documentation will help your insurance company process your claim.
  3. Make temporary repairs: If possible, make temporary repairs to summer storm damage, such as covering broken windows or damaged roofs. Temporary repairs will help to prevent further damage.
  4. Contact a restoration professional: If the summer storm damage is extensive, you may need to contact a professional such as a restoration contractor. They will be able to make the necessary repairs.

Summer storms can cause severe damage to your property. However, taking the proper precautions and knowing what to do if you experience summer storm damage can help minimize damages and protect your property.

Recover quickly from summer storm damage with SERVPRO

When your property has summer storm damage, it can be a stressful and overwhelming time. But with SERVPRO of Barrow County, you don’t have to go through it alone. We are here to help you recover quickly from summer storm damage.

Our team of IICRC certified and trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to handle summer storm damage of all types, sizes, and complexity. We will work quickly and efficiently to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Summer storm damage doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With SERVPRO of Barrow County, you can rest assured that we will take care of everything for you. Contact us today for more information.

Fallen Tree Damage: 5 Effective Restoration Steps to Take

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

Fallen tree damage to a Barrow County home. Contact the storm damage professionals at SERVPRO for quality services!

A fallen tree can cause a lot of property damage.

A fallen tree can be a major disaster, significantly if it damages your home or property. But, if you're dealing with fallen tree damage, don't panic! There are five effective restoration steps that you can take to mitigate the damage and get your life back to normal.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County put together this blog post because we have seen firsthand the effects a fallen tree can cause on a property. A fallen tree is a hazard, and the branches and debris can also cause extensive damage to your home or building.

In this blog post, we will outline our five effective restoration steps for you so that you know what to do when a storm damage event happens to you.

How to identify fallen tree damage

If you have a fallen tree on your property, it's essential to identify the damage so that you can take the necessary steps to restore your property. Here are some common signs of fallen tree damage:

  • Cracked or broken windows
  • Damaged roofing
  • Damaged siding
  • Broken fences or gates
  • Debris in your yard
  • Damaged landscaping

The steps to take for restoration

Once you have identified the damage, it's time to start the restoration process. Here are the five steps that you should take:

Step 1. Contact your insurance company: The first step is to contact your insurance company and let them know about the damage. An insurance adjuster will be able to guide you through the claims process.

Step 2. Remove the tree: The second step is to remove the tree from your property. Removing the tree as soon as possible is essential so it doesn't cause more property damage. If you can't remove the tree yourself, you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Step 3. Clean up the debris: The third step is to clean up the debris that the tree has left behind. You will want to remove branches, leaves, and any other debris.

Step 4. Repair the damage: The fourth step is to repair the damage that the tree has caused. The right restoration contractor will be able to repair any damages your property has suffered from, including roofing, siding, windows, or fences. Again, contacting a restoration company, such as SERVPRO of Barrow County, is best to help you with this step.

Step 5. Restore your landscaping: The fifth and final step is to restore your landscaping. Your landscaping may require replanting trees, shrubs, and flowers. If you're not sure how to do this yourself, you can hire a landscaping professional to do it for you.

Does homeowners insurance cover fallen tree damage?

As we mentioned in step one, you need to contact your homeowner's insurance company if you have fallen tree damage. Most insurance companies will cover fallen tree damage, but it's essential to check your specific policy.

Wrapping up

We hope this blog post has helped you understand what to do if you have fallen tree damage. Fallen tree damage is not something you should take lightly, and by following these steps, you can ensure that your property is restored quickly to its original condition.

Remember, when your property suffers from damages caused by a fallen tree, it is best to contact your insurance company immediately. Then, you can take the necessary steps to restore your property. If you need help along the way, don't hesitate to contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County.

SERVPRO of Barrow County is a locally owned and operated company specializing in water and fire damage restoration. We have the training, experience, and equipment to handle any size of fallen tree damage job. Contact us today for an estimate!

5 Amazing Hail Damage Recovery Tips

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

hail damage to a roof Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for hail damage recovery!

Hail damage is one of the most common types of property damage that homeowners and businesses suffer each year.

Every year SERVPRO of Barrow County receives calls to assist with hail damage repairs. Hail damage is a type of storm damage that can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Hail damage may seem like a daunting task to repair, but there are some simple steps you can take to make the process go more smoothly.

This blog post will outline five of the best tips for recovering from hail damage. By following these tips, you can minimize the amount of time and money it takes to get your home or business back to its original condition!

What is hail damage?

Hail damage is damage caused by the impact of hailstones on your property. When hail hits, it can cause a variety of damage to your home or business, including:

  • Dented roofs
  • Broken windows
  • Damaged siding
  • Bent gutters
  • Holes in screens

How to identify hail damage on your property?

The only way to know for sure if your property has sustained hail damage is to have a professional inspection. However, there are some clear tell signs you can look for that may indicate hail damage:

  • Dents on metal surfaces
  • Bruises or cracked paint on wood surfaces
  • Holes in screens or broken windows
  • Damaged shingles

It is essential to contact a professional restoration company that knows its way around insurance claims when you notice any of these hail damage signs on your property.

Five hail damage recovery tips

Now that you understand what defines hail damage, we can move on to our five amazing tips for recovering from hail damage.

Tip #1: Inspect your property for damage

As we mentioned earlier, the only way to know for sure if your property has sustained hail damage is to have a professional inspection. A professional inspection will provide you with an accurate assessment of the damage and help you determine the best course of action for repairs.

Tip #2: Take photos or videos of the damage

Once you have identified the hail damage on your property, it is important to document it with photos or videos. Documentation will be helpful when filing an insurance claim.

Tip #3: Contact your insurance company

If you have hail damage, the next step is to contact your insurance company. Your insurance agent will likely ask you for the documentation you gathered in step 2. Your agent will also probably schedule an inspection of the damage.

Tip #4: Make temporary repairs

While you are waiting for your insurance claim to be processed, you may need to make some temporary repairs to your property. Temporary repairs could include covering broken windows with boards or tarping a damaged roof.

Tip #5: Hire a professional restoration company

Once your insurance claim is approved, it is time to hire a professional restoration company to make the necessary repairs. SERVPRO of Barrow County is a leading provider of hail damage repair services. We have the knowledge, experience, and resources to handle all types of hail damage repairs, big or small.

Wrapping up

We hope you found this blog post helpful. Hail damage can be a pain to deal with, but by following these simple tips, you can minimize the amount of time and money it takes to get your home or business back to its original condition!

The professionals at SERVPRO of Barrow County understand the importance of acting quickly when storm damage occurs. Therefore, we offer 24/7 emergency services for your hail damage recovery needs!

Our professionals have gone through extensive hail damage training and are ready to help you through your hail damage claim. Contact us today for any questions or to schedule an inspection!